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Why Choose Us?

* We are Neutral and Impartial. 


* FIXED FEE for our service with no interest in protracted or drawn-out Negotiations.


* We meet each party individually to understand their perspective and concerns. 


*Our approach is thorough, methodical and pragmatic. 


*Association with Richmond Law Offices. 


*Experienced professionals with history of successful outcomes.


* Examples of Previous Mediations include the following:

* Resolving Disagreement between Subsidiaries of a Not-For-Profit Organisation whereby distribution of Profits/Surplus was in dispute. Assisted parties to reach an agreement regarding distribution methodology for both past anf future transactions.   

* Resolving Mutliple Disputes between Builders and Developers involving points of disagreement surrounding variations claims, quantum of variation claims, delay claims, and latent conditions claims. Helped parties reach an agreed claim sum so that construction activity continued and the project achieved completion.


* Resolving Dispute between two Joint Venture Partners involved in delivering a substantial State Government ​Infrastructure Project. A New Roadmap was developed to allow the Parties to continue their relationship and deliver the Project.

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